Noé Bárcenas Torres

Dr. Noé Bárcenas Torres
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas
Campus Morelia, Michoacán
Apartado Postal 61-3 (Xangari)
58089, Morelia, Michoacán México
E-Mail: barcenas (add "at"

Intereses Científicos/ Research interests:

Publicaciones/ Publications, Preprints and ongoing Projects:

Conferencias Organizadas/ Organized Conferences:

  • BIRS Workshop: Mixtures of Probability and Geometry. Oaxaca, Mexico. May 25th to 30th,2025 .

  • BIRS Workshop:Groups acting on Cantor Sets. Oaxaca, México. September 3-8, 2023.

  • Coarse Geometry:index Theory and Singularities. Morelia, México. August 24-28th, 2023.

  • BIRS Workshop: Analysis on singular spaces. Oaxaca, México. May 2021. Online.

  • Tematic Session: K theory, Latin American Mathematicians Congress. Montevideo, Uruguay. Online.

  • Taller de Geometría Diferencial Singular y Rigidez, Morelia, México. June 12th, 13th, 14th, 2019.

  • Jornadas de Geometría, Topología y dináamica. Morelia, México April 12th, 2019.

  • CIMPA School on Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory Noncommutative Geometry 2018.

  • Programa de Cómputo Científico del CCM PROCOCI2017.

  • Thematic Session of the Latin American Mathematician's Congress: Geometry, Topology, Interactions between Geometric Group Theory and Algebraic Topology. CLAM 2016.

  • Meeting on Topological K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry K-Theory.

  • Encuentro Nacional de Jovenes investigadores en México. ENJIM 2015.

  • II Reunión Matemáticos Mexicanos en el Mundo MMM2014.

  • Sección de Topología Algebraica. Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Durango, México. October 26th to 31st, 2014. Congreso SMM

  • Taller de Vinculación Matemáticos Mexicanos en el mundo. Together with Fernando Galaz and Monica Moreno. CIMAT, August 22-24th, 2012.TVMMJM

  • Docencia/ Teaching: