Dr. Noé Bárcenas Torres
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas
Campus Morelia, Michoacán
Apartado Postal 61-3 (Xangari)
58089, Morelia, Michoacán México
E-Mail: barcenas (add "at"
Teoría de Homotopía Equivariante/ Equivariant Homotopy Theory
Teoría K/ K-Theory
Análisis No-lineal/ Nonlinear Analysis
Nonlinearity, Proper actions and equivariant cohomotopy.Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly. Volume 9, Number 3 387-416, 2013
Mountain Pass Theorem with Infinite Symmetry. Osaka Journal Of Mathematics 53 (2016),331-350 .
(With M. Velasquez) Equivariant K-theory of Central Extensions and Twisted Equivariant K-Theory: Sl3Z and St3Z. Homotopy, Homology and its applications Vol. 18 (2016) 49-70
(With M. Velasquez) The Completion Theorem in Twisted Equivariant K-Theory for proper actions
(With P. Carrillo and M. Velasquez) Multiplicative Structures and the twisted Baum-Connes Assembly map. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369 (2017), no. 7, 5241-5269.
Twisted Geometric K-homology for Proper Actions of Discrete Groups. Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 12 (4) 1019-1040 (2020).
(With J. Cantarero) A completion Theorem for Fusion Systems. Israel J. Math 236, 501-531 (2020).
(With J. Calles). The ideal-valued index of fibrations with total space a G2 flag manifold.
(With J. Torres Orozco). Poisson cohomology of singular foliations in dimension 4.
(With M. Sedano-Mendoza). Rigidity of actions on metric spaces close to three dimensional manifolds.
A Survey of computations of Bredon cohomology. Contemporary Mathematics, 808.
BIRS Workshop: Mixtures of Probability and Geometry. Oaxaca, Mexico. May 25th to 30th,2025 .
BIRS Workshop:Groups acting on Cantor Sets. Oaxaca, México. September 3-8, 2023.
Coarse Geometry:index Theory and Singularities. Morelia, México. August 24-28th, 2023.
BIRS Workshop: Analysis on singular spaces. Oaxaca, México. May 2021. Online.
Tematic Session: K theory, Latin American Mathematicians Congress. Montevideo, Uruguay. Online.
Taller de Geometría Diferencial Singular y Rigidez, Morelia, México. June 12th, 13th, 14th, 2019.
Jornadas de Geometría, Topología y dináamica. Morelia, México April 12th, 2019.
CIMPA School on Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory Noncommutative Geometry 2018.
Programa de Cómputo Científico del CCM PROCOCI2017.
Thematic Session of the Latin American Mathematician's Congress: Geometry, Topology, Interactions between Geometric Group Theory and Algebraic Topology. CLAM 2016.
Meeting on Topological K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry K-Theory.
Encuentro Nacional de Jovenes investigadores en México. ENJIM 2015.
II Reunión Matemáticos Mexicanos en el Mundo MMM2014.
Sección de Topología Algebraica. Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Durango, México. October 26th to 31st, 2014. Congreso SMM
Taller de Vinculación Matemáticos Mexicanos en el mundo. Together with Fernando Galaz and Monica Moreno. CIMAT, August 22-24th, 2012.TVMMJM
In 2020-2 I was teaching "Cohomología, clases carácterísticas y Variedades", advanced course of the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
In 2020-2 I was organizing with Manuel Sedano and Jesús nú??ez the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2020-1 I was teaching "Algebraic Topology", basic course of the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
In 2020-1 I was teaching "Herramientas avanzadas de Topología Algebraica", advanced Course of the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
In 2020-1 I was organizing with Manuel Sedano the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2019-2 I was teaching "Cohomologia, Clases Características y Variedades", advanced Course of the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
In 2019-2 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2019-1 I was teaching "Topología Algebraica", basic course in the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
Topologia AlgebraicaIn 2019-1 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2018-2 I was teaching "Temas Avanzados de Topología Algebraica", advanced course in the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
Temas AvanzadosIn 2018-2 I was teaching "Suplemento de Matematicas",dual course in both the UNAM-UMSNH masters program and the Sustainable Material Science bachelor's degree in ENES-UNAM-Morelia
Ciencia de Materiales SustentablesIn 2018-1 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2018-1 I was teaching "Topología Algebraica", basic course in the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
Topologia AlgebraicaIn WS 2018-1 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología "
Prospectos.In 2017-2 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología" and teaching "Cohomologia, Clases Características y Variedades", advanced Course of the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
IN 2017-2 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In WS 2017-1 I was Teaching " Cohomolog\'ia, clases características y Variedades", Advanced Course of the UNAM-UMSNH graduate programm.
In 2016-2 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2016-2 I was teaching "Topología Algebraica", basic course in the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
Topologia AlgebraicaIn 2016-1 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2016-1 I was teaching "Topología Algebraica Aplicada", advanced course in the UNAM-UMSNH graduate program.
Topologia Algebraica AplicadaIn 2015-2 I was organizing the Research Seminar on Mapping Class Groups and Hyperbolicity
Hyperbolicity.In 2015-2 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos en Topología"
Prospectos.In 2015-2 I was organizing with Ariet Ramos and Alejandra Trujillo the Seminar "Prospectos in Topología"
ProspectosIn 2015-1 I was teaching "Topología Algebraica"
Basic course in the UNAM-UMSNH joint Graduate School in Mathematical Sciences.In 2015-1 I was organizing the Research Seminar in Topology and Geometry in Morelia.
In 2014-2 I was organizing the Seminar "Prospectos in Topología "
ProspectosIn 2014-2 I was organizing the Research Seminar in Topology and Geometry in Morelia.
In 2014-2 I was teaching "Teoría Geométrica de Grupos"
Advanced course in the UNAM-UMSNH joint Graduate School in Mathematical Sciences.In 2014-1, I Organized the UNAM Research Seminar with the topic "Teichmü ller Theory and Classifying spaces"
"Teichmuller Theory"In SS 2013 I organized together with Alejandra Trujillo the Transcontinental Seminar Berlin-Bonn-UNAM, with the topic "Basics on Braid and Mapping Class Groups"
In WS 2012-2013 I Organized the Transcontinental Seminar Berlin-Bonn-UNAM a Videoconference-based seminar, this semester with the topic "Homotopy, Controlled Topology and Assembly"
In SS 2012, I organized (together with Daniel Juan, David Rosenthal and Mario Velasquez ) the Transcontinental Seminar Bogota-Bonn-UNAM, a Videoconference-based seminar, this semester with the topic Coarse Geometry and Assembly Maps Coarse Geometry
During WS 2011, I organized (together with Daniel Juan, Martin Fluch and Luis Jorge Sanchez ) the Transcontinental Seminar Bielefeld-Bonn-UNAM, a Videoconference-based seminar, this semester with the topic CAT(0)-geometry and classifying spaces Classifying Spaces.
In SS 2011 I organized the first edition of the Bonn-UNAM Transcontinental Seminar, with topic "controlled topology" Controlled Topology
In SS 2010 and WS 2010-2011, I organized together with the topology groups at UNAM campus Morelia and Cuernavaca, as well as members of the Topology group in Mü nster three Editions of the Transcontinental Seminar WWU Muenster-UNAM on Basic Algebraic K theory, homotopical and computational aspects of Assembly Maps and Geometric Group theory. Basic Algebraic K Theory. Geometric Group Theory.
Videos Selectos/ Selected Videos: Some remarks on Assembly maps from the homotopy theoretical point of view. Equivariant Assembly. Cayley Graphs and Presentations. Quasi-Isometric Rigidity of the integers. CAT(0)-spaces with prescribed boundary.