Slides and audio are now online for most talks. Video is online for most plenary talks as well as for the public talk and the discussion session. See the plenary talks page and contributed talks page. You may also follow the links for individual talks on the general program below or on the parallel sessions page.
Below is the general schedule including the plenary talks. Plenary talks take place in the Auditorium and are assigned 45 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions. Abstracts can be displayed by clicking on the title of the respective talk or by going to the plenary talks page. There is also an alphabetical list of plenary speakers with titles of talks.
The parallel sessions page contains the schedule of the contributed talks. The list of speakers, titles and abstracts is available on the contributed talks page.
The poster presentation page contains the list of presenters with titles and abstracts of posters.
There will also be a talk for the general public by Jorge Pullin on Thursday, 28 June at 19:00 in the Auditorium. This talk will be in Spanish.